How We Can Put Forward the Diagnosis of NPC Disease: Suspicion Index
Vol 9, No 4 (2015): Iran J Child Neurol Suppl.1 Autumn 2015
Mahmoud Reza ASHRAFI1 , Alireza TAVASOLI1 1. Pediatric Neurology Division, Growth and Development Research Center, Children's Medical Center, Pediatric Center of Excellence, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran,
========== How to Cite this Article: Ashrafi MR, Tavasoli AR. How We Can Put Forward the Diagnosis of NPC Disease: Suspicion Index. Iran J Child Neu rol. 2015 Autumn;9:4(Suppl.1): 2-4. ==========
Pls see pdf in below link: Keywords: NPC disease, Suspicion Index, Visceral, Neurological, Psychiatric |
How We Can Put Forward the Diagnosis of NPC Disease: Suspicion Index
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